Automatic folding and sorting machine for towels and garments.

Standard Features :

Automatic folding, sorting and stacking for large variety of mixed articles.
  • The machine folds and sorts the mixed articles automatically by size and stacks them on one of the three available stacker.
  • The operator feeds the towels onto a special stop conveyor. Once a towel is placed on the stop conveyor the folding cycle will start automatically after on adjustable time. Towels are sorted and stacked onto three position.
  • When these stacks have reach a pre-programmed number or artices the stack is discharged onto a centralised collecting delivers the stack back to the operatorconveyor which then delivers the stack back to the operator.
  • Length folding is by two moveable folding blades and the cross folding is executed by belt reverse fold with knife fold. With this combination, french folding alogn the length of the articles can be accompished with either one or two cross folds or a french cross fold.
  • A standard machine is equipped with a PLC system with up to 100 separate folding programmes. Individual fold parameters can be set for each size of towel processed.
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